10 Healthy Eating Habits

10 Healthy Eating Habits

10 Healthy Eating Habits

 10 Healthy Eating Habits
To Live Your Best Life

Healthy eating habits play a significant role in your overall well being. Healthy eating is a lifestyle, not a diet which improves the way you look and feel.

Before I learned the effects of food on my mind and body, I ate and drank whatever I wanted. Since I was an avid runner, weight gain was not an issue. However, I used to struggle with mood swings, breakouts, and fatigue. I was always getting sick because my immune system was low.

One day at work, an anonymous friend left an article on my desk how food choices affect your mind and body. I raced around the office with a Starbuck’s coffee in one hand and a donut in the other trying to find out who left the article on my desk.

I thank God for that angel because I slowly changed my eating habits. Over time, I cured the side effects I was suffering from my poor eating choices.

Healthy-Eating-HabitsThat’s why I wanted to share 10 healthy eating habits to live your best life.

  1. Determine a healthy daily calorie intake based on your age, gender and activity level.
  2. Eat slowly. Take your time to eat your food and enjoy every bite.
  3. Practice portion control. When eating out, choose a smaller size option, share a dish, or take home part of the meal.
  4. Taste the rainbow! Choose fruits and vegetables in a wide range of colors like red, orange, and dark-green vegetables. Add fruit to meals as part of main or side dishes or as dessert.
  5. Incorporate food swaps for your favorite meals. Swap out pasta for steamed or roasted vegetables in your favorite Italian dishes. Swap out flour tortillas for lettuce wraps on Taco Tuesday.
  6. Eat whole grain products such as whole-wheat bread instead of white bread or brown rice instead of white rice.
  7. Read food labels choose products with no or reduced sugar and salt. Eat less salt and lower your sugar consumption.
  8. Drink lots of water. Infuse your water with sliced citrus, cucumber, and mint for a refreshing spa beverage.
  9. Keep a food journal to track your food intake and monitor eating trends. Look for areas of improvement such as emotional eating or stress eating. If you see red flags in your eating habits, address them with positive action. If you are feeling stressed, instead of reaching for the junk food drawer, drink camomile tea, practice breathing or take a walk.
  10. Meal prep your food for the week, cook healthy balanced meals and eat at home. Try a healthy breakfast bowl, green smoothies, or California blended turkey burger for your next meal!

I hope these ten healthy eating tips will help transform your lifestyle and make a positive difference in your life!

For more information, visit www.DietaryGuidelines.gov.

Photos by Pixabay

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